March 01, 2016

Jungle Camp Clashes And Super Tuesday Preview






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Calais: Clash Between Migrants And Authorities Takes Violent Turn Violence broke out between migrants and French riot police after authorities demolished 200 homes in what is being called the Calais “Jungle” Camp. Reuters is reporting that police used teargas on 150 people, while residents threw stones at police. At least one resident and three members of an activist group were arrested, and at least three shelters were set on fire during the protest. 
What does this mean? Amnesty International, Care4Calais, Help Refugees and a host of other human rights organizations and non-profits are condemning the destruction of Calais shelters, but also blaming both the French and the British for failing to provide proper asylum for migrants. French authorities said they plan to bulldoze half of the camp, displacing roughly 3400 residents from Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iran, Pakistan and Egypt. Sounds like an unlikely solution to the humanitarian crisis, since the migrants will still be in France, only without shelter.  

GOOD READ: Fear In The Jungle
Super Tuesday: To Most Of You, Just Another Tuesday The cybersphere descended into an anti-Donald Trump hysteria yesterday as fears rose that Donald Trump may in fact gain a wide enough lead to become the Republican nominee after the elections on Super Tuesday (when a lot of states hold primaries). Both Trump and Clinton are looking to consolidate their positions as frontrunners and secure their respective paths to the nomination. The math (and momentum) is in their favor. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter as we give you live updates throughout the day. 
GOOD VIDEO: Make Donald Drumpf Again With John Oliver



Apple Vs. FBI: Maybe Congress Can Solve This ProblemAs the battle between Apple and American law enforcement continues to escalate, both sides have called on Congress to settle the dispute… since Congress is known for its effective decision-making. The FBI plans to argue in a congressional testimony that legislators should pass a law “requiring tech companies to retain user keys for decrypting customer data.” While the Feds continue to grapple over access to the device, it appears that no plans are underway to legislate gun control, or the device actually involved in the San Bernardino shooting. 

Well I’ll Be Damned: Vatican Applauds ‘Spotlight’After taking home the Oscar for Best Picture, “Spotlight” received praise from an unlikely source: the Vatican. The film, which is about The Boston Globe’s discovery of rampant sexual abuse by priests covered up by the city’s Catholic Archdiocese, has brought the conversation about sexual abuse and the clergy back into the fore. While the Catholic Church has been criticized in the past for avoiding the subject, a Vatican newspaper was eager to praise the film for giving a voice to the victims of sexual abuse. Lucetta Scaraffia argued, “It’s by now clear that in the Church too many were worried about the image of the institution and not the gravity of the act.” 

Justice Thomas Speaks Up For First Time In 10 YearsWhen Justice Clarence Thomas spoke in court on Monday “for the first time in 10 years” he was met with literal gasps. His booming voice echoed through the halls of the courthouse, proving that his questions were more than just the stuff of legend. Now that Justice Scalia is no longer with us, Justice Thomas will need to do more speaking up on behalf of the conservative side of the bench. He began with a cool, “Mrs. Eisenstein, one question,” but then continued with a whole string of questions, lasting about 10 minutes. There really is no telling what he’ll say next, especially since, during the court’s second argument on Monday, he returned to saying nothing. 

Keeping Our Eye On…

  • Ohio: Four students are injured after a 14-year-old allegedly opened fire in an Ohio school cafeteria. All four victims are expected to survive and the teenage shooter is in custody.
  • Argentina: Latin America’s Greece reached an agreement with “vulture funds” after a 15-year battle that involved two defaults, the seizure of an Argentine ship in Ghana and a lot of name calling. Argentina needs to pay the funds back in “Green US Dollars.”
  • Google: The tech giants admit to “some responsibility” for its self-driving car crashing into a municipal bus. While there hasn’t been an official determination of fault in the crash, this is the first major case involving autonomous cars and liability.


Women Left Disappointed By ‘Female Viagra’ Although Addyi has been on the market since October, the pill for women with low sexual desire is not living up to expectations, leaving many disappointed with its performance. After eight separate studies including a total of 6,000 women, researchers concluded that the number of additional “satisfying sexual events” averaged to about 0.5 per month. Even worse, the most common side effects are nausea and sleepiness, notorious mood killers. 


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