September 08, 2016

#pnut4prez: The Independents Are Getting Weirder

If the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump falls between a rock and hard place, the alternative options of Gary Johnson and Jill Stein feel like a four-sided iron cell. The meteoric rise of the independent candidates reached a fever pitch when Jill Stein tried to bring her counter-culture brand to the next level, collecting a warrant for her arrest. Doubling down on her hippie persona, the Green Party candidate allegedly spray-painted construction equipment during a protest against the Dakota Access pipelineThat resulted in North Dakota issuing a warrant for her arrest. Far out. 

Stein was quickly making Gary Johnson look like the practical choice for the independent voter until he failed a Geography Bee so brutally, he’s about to become an urban legend in third grades everywhere. When asked a simple question about the conflict in Aleppo, the Libertarian candidate responded: “What is Aleppo?” And to think, his foreign policy could have been lightyears more informed had he just signed up for Daily Pnut. The embarrassing lack of knowledge on Syria drew massive amounts of criticism, and rightfully so. But we got to hand it to Gary… so far, thanks to the #WhatisAleppo hashtag, he’s the only candidate that has made Aleppo a trending topic. 

HILARIOUS VIDEO: ‘What Is Aleppo?’

Yes, I want to sound marginally more intelligent: